Birdie comes to rescue women's feet. September 10, 2022. The News Herald.
¿Los zapatos altos influyen en la percepcion que se tiene de las mujeres? June 17, 2022. Mi Trabajo.
Mettre des talons hauts au travail, encore d’actualité ? March 24, 2022. Femina, France.
Porter des talons hauts au travail, force ou faiblesse? March 23, 2022. Slate, France.
Are the days of high heels at work finally over? March 21, 2022. The Guardian..
Tracking the effects of high heels at work. February 18, 2022. The Harvard Gazette.
The truth about grown adults and their teddies. January 19, 2022. The Telegraph.
Work from anywhere trend intensifying ethics and compliance issues. November 6, 2020. Forbes.
What to do if you catch your boss in a lie? March 28, 2017. Harvard Business Review.
Francia: La neutralidad religiosa en el ámbito laboral. August 25, 2016. Noticias y Temas.
Three little nudges that can make people behave more ethically. August 22, 2016. Inc.
L’habit ne fait pas le moine, mais bonifie son chef! April 8, 2016. Le Monde.
Como se proteger de um chefe antiético. April 5, 2016. Exame.
Promoting more ethical behavior at work. March 6, 2018. Los Angeles Times.
Moral ethical tones should start with leaders. March 2, 2016. The Journal Gazette.
When those inspiring messages in your email may actually work. February 24, 2016. Fast Company.
Horrible bosses and how to dodge them. February 22, 2016. The Daily Tar Heel.
A Buddha on your desk could ward off an evil boss. February 22, 2016. NDTV, India.
The power of moral symbols. February 22, 2016. KTRH News Radio.
How a Buddha on your desk can ward off an evil boss. February 19, 2016. The Washington Post.
Boss giving you grief? Try putting a Buddha statue on your desk. February 19, 2016. Metro UK.
Want to ward off an unethical boss? Try religion. February 17, 2016. Business News Daily.
Moral symbols can ward off evil bosses. February 16, 2016. Chicago Tribune.
Moral symbols at work can keep bad bosses in line. Februay 16, 2016. Newser.
Exhibir sus valores puede protegerlo contra el comportamiento poco ético. February 4, 2016. Gestion.
How to protect yourself from an unethical boss. February 4, 2016. Bloomberg Government.
US research finds value driven email signature quotes discourage wrongdoing--but should your business make its values loud and clear? January 27, 2016. Smart Company.
The out-of-office emails that don't go down well. January 7, 2016. Australian Financial Review.
To stop bad behavior, display a virtuous quote. January 1, 2016. Harvard Business Review.
How to prevent overbilling. December 1, 2015. Harvard Business Review.
Women in business--Sreedhari Desai. August 7, 2015. Financial Times.
ראיון עם טלי חרותי-סובר (מחקר על ידי Sreedhari דסאי). August 5, 2015. Israeli TV (from 23:48 to 27:36).
Find it, fix it: Problem solve like a boss. August 4, 2015. BBC.
Women in leadership: Walking the gender tightrope. June 1, 2015. The Globe & Mail.
We're more likely to cheat when we are anxious. January 26, 2015. BPS Research Digest.Anxious people are more likely to cheat. January 26, 2015. NY Magazine.
What's your kids' wage gap? Boys paid more, more profitably. January 22, 2015. HuffPost Parents.
I bambini felici lo sono anche per merito della mamma. January 15, 2015. LetteraF.
Affinity bias: George Clooney marries Amal Alamuddin. October 1, 2014. Personnel Today.
Estudio explica razones del sexismo en entornos laborales. August 22, 2014. Belelu.
Hombres cuyas esposas son dueñas de casa discriminan a las que trabajan fuera. July 23, 2014. Emol.
Why some men still think women shouldn’t work. July 17, 2014. Bloomberg Businessweek.
The roots of workplace gender bias. July 7, 2014. The Chicago Tribune.
Quel est le frein invisible à la carrière des femmes? March 27, 2014. Les Affaires.
His wife stays at home? Watch out, women! March 23, 2014. The Boston Globe.
How women change men. November 21, 2013. The Atlantic (December Issue, Print Version).
Negotiating skills for today's business leaders. November 12, 2013. UNC Kenan-Flagler News.
Why women must seize this moment. March 11, 2013. CNN Opinion.
Higher and harder. November 30, 2012. One thing new.
Making businesses warm and fuzzy. November 14, 2012. The Denver Post.
Teddy bears and truthfulness. November 6, 2012. Arming the Donkeys, an interview with Dan Ariely.
NBWN talks about all things career with Suzanne Simmons-Lewis. October 14, 2012. National Black Women’s Network.
Childhood memories serve as a moral compass. September 27, 2012. Scientific American.
Marriage can make you sexist. September 1, 2012. The Times of India.
Research News. September 1, 2012 Carolina Women, Fall 2012.
The boss’ wife decides career prospects for women (老板的太太决定女性的职业前途). August 23, 2012. Gao Kao.
Women still work on uneven fields, studies show. August 12, 2012. The Reporter.
Bosses of both gender discriminate. August 10, 2012. News Chief.
Women: Want a promotion? Find a boss whose wife has a career. August 1, 2012. Fortune.
Are women opting out? July 27, 2012. Boston Public Radio (WGBH).
Why your boss’ marriage matters. July 5, 2012. CBS MoneyWatch.
Women get little help from men in workplace. June 18, 2012. The Daily Beast.
Männer bleiben täter. June 10, 2012. Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
In deep with Angie Coirro. June 9, 2012. Washington DC’s We act Radio WPWC 1480AM.
Are housewives to blame for the plight of working women? June 8, 2012. Forbes.
I am not your wife! A new study points to a hidden form of sexism. June 5, 2012. The Atlantic.
Wives’ status behind bosses’ bad attitudes. June 5, 2012. The Australian Financial Review.
Is your colleague’s stay-at-home wife holding you back at work? May 18, 2012. The Washington Post.
Are women held back by colleagues’ wives? May 16, 2012. The Harvard Business Review Blog Network.
Marriage, managers, ‘mommy wars.’ April 3, 2012. The Boston Globe.
New study links traditional marriage to war on women. April 3, 2012. The Huffington Post.
Study: Traditional marriage fosters anti-woman attitudes in men. April 3, 2012. Think Progress.
Something for the weekend. March 31, 2012. The Financial Times.
Want to get ahead at work? Find a boss whose wife has a career! March 26, 2012. The Marker--Haaretz.
Bad boss blues: How the economy affects manager moods. March 13, 2012. The Fiscal Times.
Is Congress immune to ethics? December 27, 2011. The Huffington Post.
Want a more ethical workplace? November 9, 2011. The Globe and Mail.
Want a more ethical workplace? Make it child like. November 7, 2011. The Christian Science Monitor.
Soft toys make people more ethical: Report. October 16, 2011. The Economic Times.
Can teddy bears keep grown-ups honest? September 26, 2011. The Nation (Thailand).
Zabierz misia do pracy. September 9, 2011. Wirtualna Polska-Finanse.
Does being reminded of children make people more generous? September 8, 2011. CBC News.
Cheating study. September 8, 2011. As it happens, CBC Radio Show.
Teddy bears need a seat in the board room. September 7, 2011. The Toronto Star.
Is it time to take teddy bears into the boardroom? September 5, 2011. The Irish Times.
Do teddies have a place in the boardroom? September 4, 2011. The Financial Times.
Adults behave better when teddy bears are in the room. September, 2011. Harvard Business Review.
Could child like adults make others act more ethically? June 13, 2011. Science + Religion Today.
Inner play: Child related cues can lead to ethical behavior. June 7, 2011. The Boston Globe.
Cues from the kindergarten. April 30, 2011. Outlook Business.
Childhood memories provoke charitable behavior. March 24, 2011. Miller-Mccune.
Study: More money makes managers meaner. July 15, 2010. Forbes.
Do high incomes make CEOs mean? July 15, 2010. Wall Street Journal.
The more leaders make, the meaner they get. July 11, 2010. Business Mirror.
Moneymaking CEOs treat employees worse: Study. July 8, 2010. Business News.
More paid CEOs treat employees worse: Study. July 8, 2010. Indian Express.
Top executive pay = Meanness to workers. July 8, 2010. United Press International.
Power, corruption, and lies. July 7, 2010. The Motley Fool.
Higher income makes CEOs meaner to employees. July 7, 2010. International Business Times.
Wordt ceo gemener door hoog salaris? July 7, 2010. Management Team.
Big bucks make for big mean bosses. June 30, 2010. Retailwire.